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2021 BANAcademy Awards Winners

Writer's picture: SoggyApplePieSoggyApplePie

Article written by Mag3s

Another very exciting year has come to an end with the 2021 BANAcademy Awards! With over 100,000 BAN in prizes, a special surprise monKeystack for all winners, and all the prestige on the line, the Citizens of the Jungle - and those they’ve voted for - have made their voices heard. With five different award categories, 67 specific awards, and an ever expanding community, the possibilities were endless and the competition was tight... alas we have our results.

With the assistance of some PowerPoints by SoggyApplePie, and some beautiful banter from the community, the event was well underway with the “Most Likely To..” BANAcademy Awards!

Most Likely To Awards

Nominated for 25 awards including Most Likely To Have An Alt Ring, we have BottleCap, whose only response was, “I’m eating”. One of his alts collected the award in his place.

For the Most Likely To Compromise A Seed, FairySquirt comes in with the win. Keep your mnemonics to yourself when they're around (or you know.. in general), and always double check your clip board contents before hitting paste... in honour of Fairy.

The Most Likely To Dump In A Panic was scooped up by the one and only BanFather, Sky. There’s definitely a joke about buying high and selling low here, but it must be over my head.

Most Likely To Hold Too Long, AND Most Likely To Exitscam were both awarded to ChocolateFudCake. MAKE UP YOUR MIND PEOPLE!

The ol’ Most Likely To Store Crypto On An Exchange goes to CFSuper. As long as it doesn’t start with Bit, and end with Grail I think you should be… oh, oh okay.

Most Likely To Be A Bad Babysitter without a doubt went to Bottlecap. Too much stabby time with this one, but at least it’s cheap!

Most Likely To Start A Cult unsurprisingly goes to Palpatine, the power of the Dark Side was simply too strong for the Force to ignore.

The Most Likely To Join A Cult goes to Grilled Cheese. What kind of perks come with that membership?

Most Likely To Send Nudes To A Catfish for the third year in a row goes to ChocolateFudCake himself. The man just can’t seem to help himself.

The rumors can’t be true! Or can they? Most Likely To Be A Catfish goes to Chiara.

The Most Likely To Rig A Giveaway goes to Marthacristal at no surprise to literally anybody. With a JAJAJAJA here and a SOOOEEE there, whether it be a banrandom or a massive giveaway, Martha always seems to find a way with the power of GOGOGO.

Most Likely To Get Arrested goes to Bottlecap, who in order to curb the stabbing and the biting, arrests himself quite often. He really does think of the people - and sometimes the children.

Much to Enki’s surprise he was voted the Most Likely To Get Arrested IRL! He doesn’t know what he did, but isn’t that what they always say?

Most Likely To Fat Finger goes to Madeleine who - jstu cna’t seme ot egt ti together.

Can you really be the man of the people without a little self-love? With the help of a few “friends” Phantoad managed to snag the Most Likely To Be Botting, maybe just to prove a point.

With the internet connection comparable to the original Dial-Up, the Most Likely To Live In A Bunker was awarded to Toongray, who some say is still trying to send in their proof of a BANGO to this day.

We’ve all seen him spread the wealth, but the people think there’s more where that came from. Voted Most Likely To Be A Secret Banillionaire, Sky puts another one on the mantle putting Camo Banano to the test!

To his much chagrin, Higgins managed to snag the award for Most Likely To Plead Guilty For Tax Evasion. Good thing he can represent himself.

Miscellaneous Awards

With some much expected, and also surprising turnout so far, the BANAcademy Awards was well on the way. With the Most Likely To Awards and a small intermission complete, our very own Rage was made into a citizen live on stage in another first for Banano! Next up, we move on to the Miscellaneous Awards. With the banter in full force, the Jungle going wild, and some impromptu singing, things were just starting to get heated up!

Macaleon won the Good Cop Award with their constant presence and wholesome enforcement of the rules in multiple Jungles. With his award in hand he asks that you now call him, Mr. Maca!

The Bad Cop Award ended up in the hands of Palpatine. He’s a Sith Lord… it was expected to be fair. Palp left the Discord call, only to reconnect shortly later to “The Imperial March” soundtrack.

Although the sentiment is kind of a meme, In It For Teh Tech was taken by WrapThatPotassium - who surprisingly, seems to be in it completely for the tech! The best memes are the ones that write themselves.

Tokiest Banana Coffee.. Check. Evacuation.. Check. Toking in chat.. Double Check. Although the competition was fierce, Mad Professor won it out for the 2021 Tokiest Banana! A bowl was smoked in celebration.

The Happy Helper award, although only narrowed down to one with the community being extremely helpful in general, was picked up by SSJ4Link who managed to squeak out a win, and a well deserved win at that. They’ve been a constant unmoving force in the Jungle.

How does one be a bad babysitter if they’re not farming for Activia all day? Bottlecap scoops the Activia award with his antics in the Jungle from the name changes, to murder, and more!

Arkath takes home the Fast Fingers here - make sure you’re ready because even the slightest delay and that cryptomonKey is no longer yours. Whether it be claiming links in the chat, banning the Nitro Spammers, or answering trivia, Ark really does have some fast fingers indeed!

Scooping up the Hackerman Award again this year, Rexona is a technological force to be reckoned with! Watch out for them peeking behind your firewall.

With an impromptu “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” performance, Maca stunned the crowd, and rightfully snagged the Karaoke Award for this year. With a voice like that, it’s hard to vote against!

With a packed schedule, SoggyApplePie still manages to find the time to show everyone what it takes to be Entertainer of The Year. With some awesome events ranging from BANGO to cryptomonKey giveaways, Community Calls and more!

While everyone else is panicking, the Puzzle Whiz Shuttlecock has already got the answer typed out and is hitting send. You might have a chance if they’re not around, but Shuttlecock sure can solve a puzzle with ease!

Rosemarys swept the competition when she masterfully took the Trivia Master Award.

Though it wasn’t much of a surprise, FairySquirt takes the Troll award with their many antics in the Jungle and around the Banano scene. You’ll always know when Fairy’s around!

With an exceptionally-sized campaign, Furios took the Benis award by storm. Whether it be a meme, a tip or otherwise, if there’s a Benis - you can count him in!

The funny thing about the Worst Shill award is, Furios was actually going for the Troll award but got lost in the ways of the Benis and ended up here! Sometimes life.. Uh.. finds a way?

Getting pocket banned from the BANANO server (by Anemone at that) is definitely a rare case, and deserves to be celebrated. That's why the winner of the Rekt Award was Mad Professor

Lazy Genius with a late arrival to the scene is Zoyanx; his website at taking home the Lazy Genius award. Hopefully there’s more to come and the couch doesn’t get the best of him!

Really lighting up the Spanish Jungle and winning the Troll Award last year, Estefania takes home the Funniest Monkey gold! The swell of the Jungle ran deep with this one, they must really put on a show!

"FANTAstic" Awards

Although there were many expected takes here, some newcomers are starting to make a splash on the scene, at least in the terms of voting and pulling a crowd. Moving on to some of the more prestigious awards the event has to offer in the FANTastic Awards. Things got a little more serious with many hard working people getting the credit they deserve.

The FANTastic Artist Award goes to SoggyApplePie. With the copious amounts of work she pours into both the Banano, and cryptomonKey projects, it’s no surprise either.

Def Ban Record goes to Enki with their constant work spinning up some tunes in the Jungle, DJing live on JungleTV and more - Enki managed to take a close contest with this one.

Animator with some of the best animated NFTs around and constantly minting more for new occasions, Fried puts in a ton of awesome work and deserves every bit of this award!

With their iconic work at making videos for Banano, CryptoJitsu took Videographer by a country mile. With awesome videos covering the BANANO ecosystem, CryptoJitsu really is pointing the public eye towards us.

An ever-present voice in Banano, the Writer award goes to none other than Phantoad. With a vigor unmatched, Phantoad will do what it takes to bring the community together through the power of words.

Again with the Sound of Music, Enki wins Banano DJ with his work in the DJ Booth. Whether he’s just spinning the right track, or mixing something up of his own, the man really knows how to please a crowd!

Working tirelessly to fill many roles, WhiteFlag takes another one being the Translator Award! If you need something translated for an event, or worked on - you can bet your bottom dollar that WhiteFlag will be there to help out!

With their relentless dedication to our very own Banano Wiki, Very Cute Cat takes home the Wiki Helper Award for all the great work they’ve done, and continue to do to help bring the community together!

Whether trying to get us listed on an exchange, reaching out to charities, or putting ads out - Bantano takes home the Marketing Award with ease. A constant light for the force of Banano, Bantano has been a force to be reckoned with since the beginning!

The Social Media award goes to /dev/aux - /dev/aux has been working tirelessly to spread Banano news and fun giveaways across multiple platforms!

With the rigging in full force, Not-A-Front-End-Dev WrapThatPotassium wins the Front-End Dev award! WTP has put in a ton of amazing work with their liquidity pools, trying to spread the good word of Banano to other networks and beyond.

Always lurking in the shadows, Kirby quietly takes the Back-End Dev Award. Their contributions to BRPD investigation tools and their work in BANANO Minecraft make them a deserving winner of this award.

The wonderful Discord Dev Oops is constantly working on all things Discord. If there’s a problem with bots, channels, perms, roles - you name it and he’s there. If you need to maximize your Discord community's safety and outreach, Oops the Discord wizard is omnipresent and always gives love where it’s due.

With something new always in the works, the Project Dev Award goes deservingly to Doranos. Pumping out game after game, faucet after faucet, idea after idea, he’s done a ton of great work for Banano and his deeds don’t go unnoticed!

It’s no surprise that Flightless_Pig takes the Veteran award home. The first Citizen of the Jungle, and a wise old monKey at that, Pig could tell you a thing or two.

"Best" Awards

As with all things, there has to be the best and for that reason, we have the Best Awards! Another great way to honor the community, and the projects run around it - these people once again get the credit they rightly deserve.

Best !meow goes to the lovely Kabisou of Kharalambous. Such a beautiful cat, how could you say no to that face!

Best !pup was awarded to the wonderful flying pup Pipkin of AltariaSong, who always puts on a show when making an appearance in the Jungle.

On fire this year, Best r/Banano Member goes to WhiteFlag for his hard work at keeping the Banano community alive and well on Reddit!

Best Telegram Member was awarded to /dev/aux with their tireless work at spreading the good word of Banano on Telegram. There are some tight-knit cryptocurrency groups on Telegram and they’ve been working hard to involve everyone with this awesome project!

The very prestigious Best Memes is awarded to Anemone, with their constant dedication to not only providing the right meme for the moment, both derived and original, but cultivating the very waifu we know and love, BananoChan. Go BanChan! We love you BanChan!

Hard work and dedication paid off for Kinnester big time with the Best Emojis award! They put a lot of good work into some awesome emojis and stickers in both BANANO and cryptomonKeys, and the community is better off for it!

With the Best GIFs for the right moments, BeardlessDuck sure does know how to work that tenor. From hilarious Colins edits, BRPD content, to the perfect shitposting, BeardlessDuck take’s this one home!

Also known as the Buwuster Award, The Game/Distribution Method goes unsurprisingly to JungleTV, with the relentless perseverance of gbl08ma, 3meow, Arkath, Anon, Giovanni and Suzpi JungleTV has been a huge success since its launch!

An awesome Project For Banano Adoption in itself, cryptomonKeys has an amazing year not only bringing a whole new group of people in, but also bringing the existing community together that much more.

Putting on one killer of a campaign, Higgins took the BANAcademy Campaign award by storm. If you were new to the Jungle coming into the end of the year and there was one name you knew - it was Higgins.

The best Citizen goes to Enki with their constant presence in the Jungle, whether it be through some chill vibes, helping newcomers, a .br 5.420, and being just a generally nice person to talk to, it’s no surprise that Enki was able to take this one.

MiranDaniel carries the best Zookeeper role with pride now for their part in keeping the Jungle, Reddit and more an awesome place to be, ensuring nothing gets out of hand while running projects of their own for the community as well!

WhiteFlag does it again with the Banano Police (BRCPD) award. The constant dedication to the Jungle, and Banano itself is clear with all WhiteFlag does for the community. Another well deserved and earned award, a constant presence in the community.

Always helping people with events, providing translations, answering questions, spreading the love, and more - Phantoad was nominated for and won the Community Manager Award for all their hard work over the past year.

The award for Best Jungle Junta goes to Anemone for their amazing amounts of work including drawings, feet pics, mountains of memes, and more - they’ve contributed vast amounts to Banano (not to mention being the legend behind the logo) and the work does not go unnoticed!

The people have spoken, and Phantoad is your new Mr. Banano! Clearly winning the hearts of the people this year with support from every Jungle, Phantoad has shown nothing but love to everyone in the community and it truly is a wonderful thing to see.

Taking over the crown from Chibi last year, aly7bootstraps put on a strong campaign and pulled of a victory for this years, Ms. Banano! Constantly spreading the love around chat, and oozing Banano spirit with Banana costumes and other goodies, Aly seems to have made her mark this year!

AltariaSong had a very strong finish for this year’s Mx. Banano award! They’ve skyrocketed up the Banano family tree, and with their constant presence in the Jungle, multitude of events, and general caring demeanor, the award was only that much more fitting.

With another exciting year of Banano in the books, one of the most insane campaign seasons we have seen to date, an ever-growing community, and a shitpost on every corner - it’s no wonder why the community has stayed and continues to grow as strong as it has. Whether it’s entire Jungles coming together for an event, or a night of trivia in your native tongue, the power of Banano has crossed multiple thresholds to get to where it is right now, not because of some hype from massive twitter accounts, or big exchange listings, but because of the way we come together to meme our way to success. The old adage “Fake it ‘til you make it” doesn’t seem to be more fitting than right here.

See you next year for the 2022 BANAcademy Awards Campaign Season!

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