The Banano World Crypto Hunting Game (Brussels edition) that we featured back in June was a great success, and we’ve got the full story!

Written and organized by: tenflake
On Saturday July 18th, the first public crypto treasure hunt using Banano was held in the City center of Brussels. For about 4 hours players had to follow a list of clues that would guide them to the specific areas where the paper wallets were hidden (pic 1-3). To collect Banano, it was made extremely simple thanks to the Banano Kalium app. Players just had to use the “Load From Paper Wallet'' function and scan the QR-Code when they found one.

The aim of the game was simple: during the 3 hours, players had to get as many $BAN possible using the tools they had at hand. Now of course the best players got a very nice prize at the end. In addition, during the treasure hunt players were given a number of different challenges via the main WhatsApp group chat that if completed would reward players with more Bananos. One example of the challenges was that the first player to send a selfie in front of a specific landmark would win $BAN.

Also in the group chat, there were a number of quiz questions throughout the game that if answered correctly, the first player was awarded again, more Bananos. Also at random times there were a number of airdrops in the group chat that once again only the quickest player would win the $BAN.Another very fun way to challenge other players was with Deathrolls. Deathrolls introduced a very interesting player vs player game based on chance where players would duel one another using a RNG app.
It gave players that were less lucky in finding $BAN during the hunt a chance to battle someone who had managed to find more. Of course there was always a risk of losing your precious $BAN to someone who already had more than you!
There were two different zones, with a total of about 50 QR-Code spread across evenly. Each zone had their own list of clues and depending on how “hard” the clue was, the bigger the prize to be found. For this event, we could accommodate a maximum of 15 players and 6 players came to play! Players managed to win from about 8k $BAN to 30k $BAN for the best player.

We’ll be looking to make new events with more games, more challenges and more fun by the end of August. So if you are interested stay tuned and check the Banano World BXL FB page regularly for update

Great event! Thanks tenflake for making a start. We definitely need more of these in all parts of the world!