Credit for the Banano Sunday Art for this month: Toskabi!
Here is a recap of what was talked about in sunday's Ban Fam Community Call #32.5 on discord (you can read this article if you don't know what a ban fam community call is!) Thanks again to u/soggyapplep!
Banano is attending ETHDenver! Don't hesitate to get in touch with u/irrelephantoops if you're in the area!
... and due to Oops being busy at ETHDenver running crypto workshops involving Banano & ETH projects, this call is semi-unofficial semi-official: no POAP or recording this time
Reminder that the Coinex exchange is closing its US operations. Make sure to withdraw your Bananos within the 60d time limit. Also a reminder that the Qtrade exchange is closing, so also withdraw your Bananos from there within the 30d time limit
... and if you're now wondering how to trade Bananos, u/yusufgurdogan made a quick peel article
As there were some recent discussions about whether some Banano content is or isn't considerate... Know that some revamps are coming: old inside jokes on banano.cc that now feel outdated, old emojis on discord that might need a refresher... !
u/3_meow is developing a r/place-style game! If you like to find bugs and/or break stuff (for good!), he'd appreciate some feedback! (https://19-1.cc/Grid-Games)
The Passionate Maskerade contest is ongoing! Craft a mask, and submit your entry before march 2 for Banano and NFT prizes! (peel article)
Want to attend the next Community Call? Type the command "-bananosundays" anywhere in the Banano discord server to be notified for future Banano Community Calls!
Want to add a topic to the agenda of the next Community Call? You can use the form in the #agenda-submissions channel of the Banano discord (at the very bottom of the channels list)

No POAP (Proof-of-Attendance token) this time :3