Inspired by an article on Medium about creating cool QR Codes for nano, I decided to write something similar for my potassium-hungry monkey friends in the BANANO jungle.
Also, this is my first post in the Daily Peel, so “please be gentle” 😉
Standard QRs are boring. Nobody needs fancy QR Codes, but they are… well fancy at least, and rich in potassium for sure. This guide will show you step-by-step how you can create potassium-rich BANANO themed QR Codes and be one of the fancier monkeys in the BANANO jungle.
How to Create A BANANO Themed QR Code
Step 1: Preparation
Download to your hard drive. You will need it later.
Head over to
Be aware that you might not see the expected result until you have completed all steps. Trust me (I´m not a doctor) – you will eventually see what you wanted.
Step 2: Selecting the QR Code type
In the upper green area „1 QR Code type “select “Text”. Paste your ban_ address into the text field and confirm.
Step 3 Customization
In the lower block “2 Customization” you´ll really get into the weeds. Let´s go through all the sections together one by one:
We´re skipping “Templates”, that´s boring.
Go for “Shaded colors” and enter 2A2A2E for Color 1 and 4CBF4B for Color 2. “Shading type” should be INVERSE RADIAL.
Select “Wave” in the “Eyes” list on the right.
Click on the “Choose file” button and select the .png file you downloaded in Step 1, then click “UPLOAD”. Leave “Placement” at AUTOMATIC and change “Excavate the logo” to NO.
Switch all three “External eye colors” ON and paste 2A2A2E.
Choose “QR Code shadow”, paste FBDD11 for Shadow color and STRONG for Strength
So, there you go, you should now have created a QR Code which looks pretty much like the one above.
Closing Remarks
You may see a “insufficient readability” warning in the upper right corner of the QR on the website. Even though It says so, a Code with the exact settings above should still be readable. At least it is with my iPhone and some Android phones that were tested.
Now it´s up to your creativity to play around with the different settings to come up with your “signature” QR Code. Let us know in the comments below if you have any issues. Of course, you can also show off your QR Codes there. Maybe mysteriously some $BANs will find their way to your address... (wink, wink).
you guys have awesome QR , here's mine
This is my QR code. I'm gonna make a better one later.
I'm making a QR so fancy you'll never remember how un-cool I was. #coolmonkids #gang