Hello prisoner #666. You along with a massive amount of other prisoners have lived a life of crime and regret, that which has been fueled with selfish desire. Due to your negligent past you have been sent to prison for life with no chance of tasting freedom. However, I'm here to offer you a flicker of hope to your miserable existence. A chance to not only leave your former life as a convicted criminal, but to do so as a rich one. What's the catch you ask? There's none, simply compete in the "Ban Games" among many other criminals and make it to the end alive, win your freedom and become rich in the process. Lose the game... and you lose your life. Only one prisoner can be the winner of this particular Ban Game. Will you be the victor... of the Ban Games?

The event will begin on Saturday, October 1st @ 2:30 PM EDT and will continue on for the next three weeks. The next two event dates will start Saturday October 8th @ 2:30 PM EDT, & Saturday October 15th @ 2:30 PM EDT.

The Ban Games Halloween Edition will be utilizing a series of multiple-choice type polls that the qualified contestants will have to determine what the best choice is and wait for the short duration of the poll to end before finding out if their choice got them killed or not. If you survived, you continue on with the next poll and keep going until you either die or go on to the next event!

For the Halloween version of the Ban Games, there will be three different style games. The first game will be what people are familiar with, where everything is determined strictly by "chance". After that the other two games will be different from the first and you will learn the rules at the start of each game. To figure out how to qualify for playing in the games, please ready the "RULES" section. Please note that if you don't follow the directions you will not be able to play.

Getting Started: The first thing you will want to do before the start of the event on October 1st, is head over to the Dungeons & Banano Discord Server and look in the announcements channel. There you should see a recent post regarding the Ban Games.

When you find the event posting, click the ticket emoji in order to RSVP for the event and receive the temporary role "Contestant Ticket" that will allow you to see the hidden channel "event-tickets".

A few minutes before the event starts, Head to the "event-tickets" channel. Here you will see a message appear temporarily giving the participant a chance to select the next ticket emoji required to participate in the event.

By selecting this ticket emoji you will receive a new role called "Contestant", which will allow you to play the Ban Game that will be taking place in the "event-polls" channel. Once you have done this you will not have to worry about doing this again if you survive long enough to play the next game. For the other games during this event you will simply need to show up on time to play.
Conversations related to the event will take place in the "event-chat" channel. Both the "Contestants" and audience is encouraged to engage together during the event to create temporary alliances, find ways to trick your fellow contestants in making a bad poll selection
NOTE: You are not allowed to try and trick other users in inappropriate ways. Examples include (not limited to) scamming/tricking players to break game rules or anything that would violate server rules. Doing so can result in you being disqualified and possibly even banned from the server.
Common Questions/Answers:
"What happens if in the first game named "Chance" if everyone decides to select the same poll option that ends up being the one that is supposed to kill/remove all the contestants that select that option. Does this mean the game is over?"
Simply put, yes. It's a brutal game with brutal consequences. However for every contestant that dies in the game, it will increase the horde of Banano (up to a max amount). If no one is alive to collect it... then the Banano horde balance will be returned to the Banano devs and no one will win the reward. So be careful about what you select for the first game... also consider this a hint.
"What happens if contestants decide not to select any poll options or even skip one of the polls?"
Then that contestant will be disqualified. At the end of the game, we will be checking a number of things before announcing a winner, and this will be one of them.

The last person standing by the end of the event will receive 19,000 Banano. Not to mention those who attend the events just to watch will also receive some Banano. So no worries if you lose, you could get some Banano for being an active audience member.
If one of the special guests mentioned during the game manages to be the last one standing, they agreed to donate their winnings to 4 random community members from the Banano Discord server!
I wish you luck during the Ban Games Halloween Edition... you're going to need it.

Learn more about Dungeons & Banano here:
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