Soccer season is here! Who will win each week!? Join us to earn some BAN and cryptomonKey NFTs! The 2023/24 soccer season pick’em will last until the end of most of the European leagues. That is approximately June 2024. Playing is easy! Fill out our Google Form each week to participate. A new form will be posted the first days of the week in the football thread of the cryptomonKeys Discord server. This is because some weeks will contain games played on Mondays. The new form will be posted after the previous weeks games have finished.
Picks are due 23:59 UTC the day prior to the day of the first game. Usually that is Friday, except for those weeks that the form will contain Friday games. Tiebreaker for each week is the time of form submission. So make sure you submit the form as soon as you can!
Each correct pick will give you 1 point.
Weekly Prizes
Top 10 players will receive a drop from the Green Wizard.
Top 10 players will also receive BAN
1st place will receive 200 BAN
2nd place will receive 150 BAN
3rd place will receive 100 BAN
4th place to 10th place receive 69 BAN each
Full-Season Prizes
1st - 10,000 BAN + Rare CM + monKeypacks
2nd - 7,500 BAN + 2 Uncommon CM + monKeypacks
3rd - 5,000 BAN + Uncommon CM + monKeypack
4th - 3,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
5th - 2,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
6th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
7th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
8th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
9th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
10th - 1,000 BAN + random monkey ,drop
For any questions or for help, message DrYunani or Jimothy on Discord.