Here is a recap of what was talked about in sunday's Ban Fam Community Call #22 on discord (you can read this article if you don't know what a ban fam community call is!) Thanks again to u/irrelephantoops, u/soggyapplep, CT and everyone that took the stage! (Phantoad, u/Airtune... and I'm sorry if I forgot anyone!)
Banano is going through a lot of technical updates thanks to the work of everyone, and particularly u/bbedward! You can read about Kalium's backend upgrade! You can also read about BoomPoW v2! Also, the wBAN bridges have been migrated to the new infrastructure and are back online!
Want a recap of everything that happened in the banano ecosystem this past month? Check out the monthly update #52 on the banano blog!
XGO updates: a memo will be published next week. Some changes: KYC has changed. Some previously blocked countries are now available, and some KYC requirements have been relaxed. There's now a mobile app. There will be additional Banano rewards (should be worth $125) for testing and giving feedback!
u/Airtune is preparing a tech wizard's guide to minting Banano NFTs! It's still a work in progress, but you can already check it out!
Today is the last day to submit your Booster2 project, so don't be late filling the google form!
The LowCostPlay Contest ends today! Make sure to submit your entries, and/or check out all the awesome cosplay submissions in the banano discord #🔥-contest-submissions channel! (peel link)
The monKeypicK'em event has started! Submit your first NFL result predictions before september 8! (peel link)
The results of the Call of Duty tournament are out in the #🔥-contest-submissions channel of the Banano discord server. Congrats to everyone!
The next video game tournament will be... MARIO KART! Official announcement soon in the daily peel!
Do you have a suggestion for a future video game tournament? Don't hesitate to drop Phantoad a message (Phantoad#4762 on discord)!
The results for the MTV VMA will be out today!
... The next Toadstool event is out too! Prepare your best guesses for 2022 Emmys! (peel link)
The results of the monkeycoding challenge #3 are out, and all prizes have been sent! Stay tuned for monkeycoding challenge #4!
Want to attend the next Community Call? Type the command "-bananosundays" anywhere in the Banano discord server to be notified for future Banano Community Calls!
Want to add a topic to the agenda of the next Community Call? You can use the form in the #agenda-submissions channel of the Banano discord (at the very bottom of the channels list)

POAP (Proof-of-Attendance token) for attending Banano Sunday #22!