Here is a recap of what was talked about in sunday's Ban Fam Community Call #23 on discord (you can read this article if you don't know what a ban fam community call is!) Thanks again to u/irrelephantoops, u/soggyapplep, CT and everyone that took the stage! (u/Zanefold, u/Airtune, RobStalone, Phantoad... and I'm sorry if I forgot anyone!)
The Banano network hit 40M blocks! Blocks measure the number of transactions on the network (1 block = 1 send, receive or change). That averages to ~24930 blocks/day over the last 41 days!
u/wrap-that-potassium released wBAN v2.3.0 with gasless features on the Fantom (FTM) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) networks! Minimum for gasless wraps & swaps on FTM is 42 BAN (like Polygon), minimum on BSC is 500 BAN! Check out!
After months of waiting, the Hotbit exchange has re-enabled Banano withdrawals. If you still have Bananos stuck there, withdraw fast. Not your keys, not your Bananos
From RobStalone: sign ups are live for the Open Beta of the Pelion Vault: Banano Edition, a private key manager! And Pelion's Banano Faucet launches tomorrow with a "19 Days of Potassium" promotion!
The results of the Booster 2 contest are out (on time!) thanks to the work of u/dev-ptera! See the blog article for the winning entries! Congrats to all winners, and big congrats to first place winners u/Airtune in the new project category for Banano native NFTs, and u/gbl08ma in the existing project category for JungleTV!
September 19th is the cryptomonKeys 2-year birthday! Expect lots of festivities on the cryptomonKeys discord!
October is coming, and with it all the Banano Halloween shenanigans! In unrelated news, it just so happens that we received a mysterious anonymous letter inviting the community to various events... 👀
Speaking of halloween events... The Dungeons & Banano "Ban Games Halloween Edition" is coming with a first place prize of 19000 BAN! Check out the youtube trailer and the article!
All Zanefold's friends are dead.
All Zanefold's friends are dead... but now we want to know what happens in the rest of the book! We want another reading session Zane!
Want to attend the next Community Call? Type the command "-bananosundays" anywhere in the Banano discord server to be notified for future Banano Community Calls!
Want to add a topic to the agenda of the next Community Call? You can use the form in the #agenda-submissions channel of the Banano discord (at the very bottom of the channels list)
POAP (Proof-of-Attendance token) for attending Banano Sunday #23!