Here is a recap of what was talked about in sunday's Ban Fam Community Call #30 on discord (you can read this article if you don't know what a ban fam community call is!) Thanks again to u/irrelephantoops, u/soggyapplep and everyone that took the stage! (CT, Airtune... and I'm sorry if I forgot anyone!)
Happy New Year to everyone!
New features and changes are coming to wrapped Banano, stay tuned for more infos soon (next week maybe? 👀)
Banano got a Cointelegraph article: "crypto can help teach children about personal finance"! Big thanks to XGO that made it possible!
Big milestone for the cryptomonKeys NFT collection, the 100th card got released! The new card "monKey Generator" is a shoutout to the cute monKeys that visually represent every Banano wallet. Shoutout to the monKeys creators yekta, bbedwards, and randomizer!
Talking about NFTs, if you need to swap Banano<->Wax, there is now the new https://wax.banano.trade swap site. Shoutout to u/yusufgurdogan!
Talking about u/yusufgurdogan, check out their article "Not Your Keys, Not Your Bananos" (peel article)!
JungleTV news: check out the amazing work u/3_meow did on the Tunesday Explorer junglerad.io! You'll find every Tunesday theme, and playlists of every in-theme video queued for every Tunesday! Ever!
JungleTV news 2: don't miss your custom JungleTV 2022 Recap also from u/3_meow! What songs did you play most? How many times have you listened to "toad sings chandelier"? open the mystery box!
Did you know there is a Daily Peel App on Google Play? Check it out here!
Banano Subscription Service? 👀
A new tutorial has been written by WhiteFlag (u/carlos3766) for the Spanish-speaking community! It's about DeFi, here is the peel article!
The Banacademy Awards ended. Do you have some feedback, idea, or suggestion for next year? Use the google form! Also, the cryptomonKeys NFTs for winners and voters will be sent soon!
Following the BanFeast event, here is the first BanFam cookbook! This one is based on the BanFeast 2021 entries, and a BanFam cookbook 2022 is coming!
The current session of the (recurring) Volcano Art Contest ends tomorrow! Draw your entries using the volcano site to compete for the 10000 BAN prize pool!
Freerice update: with the success of monKeyRice (we're about to become a top 5 group!), the weekly Banano rewards got boosted, and you now get a cryptomonKeys NFT if you hit tier 3! Check out the monkeyrice site for more info!
Guess sport results, get BAN and NFT rewards! Currently running sports Pick'em: NBA, NFL, NHL, Football leagues ⚽
Other stuff we talked about: plantains! Don't call them bananas, it's offensive. But they can be sweet! Or not sweet, in which case they are more like potatoes. Also, rice! Do you wash it?
Want to attend the next Community Call? Type the command "-bananosundays" anywhere in the Banano discord server to be notified for future Banano Community Calls!
Want to add a topic to the agenda of the next Community Call? You can use the form in the #agenda-submissions channel of the Banano discord (at the very bottom of the channels list)

POAP (Proof-of-Attendance token) for attending Banano Sunday #30!