Here is a recap of what was talked about in sunday's Ban Fam Community Call #40 on discord (you can read this article if you don't know what a ban fam community call is!) Thanks again to u/irrelephantoops, u/soggyapplep and everyone that took the stage! (Tenflake, Jimothy... and I'm sorry if I forgot anyone!)
Tech update: thebananostand is an awesome wallet, and it now has new features, such as requests for payments, requests to change rep... and message signing! Using an address you own and your private key, you can use message signing to prove to others you own the address! Check out github for more info and examples!
Why is wBAN on FTM up so much? There was a big hack ($130M) related to the "Multichain" bridge, with a big effect on FTM because of how popular Multichain is on this network. People tried to find an alternative way to get their funds out of the FTM chain... and wBAN was exactly that. So a lot of people bought a lot of wBAN on FTM
Check out Tenflake's recap of a real life event using Banano/JungleTV! (peel article)
u/3_meow released his new Swole Torchic-related project: https://3meow.online/growershower.html! What is it? Erm... I'll let him explain!
The Swole Torchic Emoji Contest's deadline is coming soon! You have until July 10th to submit your entry, and win Banano and cryptomonKey NFTs! Check out the peel article!
The Swole Bango event has been moved to July 19th! For this event, we'll even have a full Bango app (technically a PWA)!
Keep your eyes peeled for the official announcements of the other Torchic Events! Karaoke! Cooking contest! Meme contest! Trivia! And much more!
The next Dungeons & Banano live stream "Cult of the Many Hands" will be on https://jungletv.live/ on July 16th! Check out the D&B article!
Want to be notified for future Banano Community Calls? Go to the Banano discord, look up at the top of the channels for #Channels & Roles and select the "🍨 Banano Sundays" role!
... or type the command "-bananosundays" anywhere in the Banano discord server!
Want to add a topic to the agenda of the next Community Call? You can use the form in the #agenda-submissions channel of the Banano discord (at the very bottom of the channels list)

POAP (Proof-of-Attendance token) for attending Banano Sunday #40!